Saturday, October 4, 2008

New York Times!

We are going to be in the NEW YORK TIMES! OMG!!!

We were interviewed about childhood eczema, as Big Sis has it very bad, since she was 2 weeks old. Our dermatologist recommended us as a family to talk to about it, and later in the day Camille from the NY Times called me and scheduled an interview for the next day.

She asked many questions and I told many stories. I shared my doubts and fears, our triumphs and successes, and a lot more. I understand how journalism works, so I wont be surprised if it's only two lines about us, but still.

Today (Saturday) a photographer came to take our pictures. They took some family portraits, some of the girls playing, some of Big Sis alone, and some of her current rashes.

I am told it's going to be published mid-October. I'll know a sure date later in the week.

This has been pretty exciting. We get to be part of an educational piece on a disease that has really affected our family, and HELLO, New York TIMES! US! WHOA!!!!

Okay, I'll simmer down.

Will post more about it when I know.