Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Yah, I stopped tracking

I stopped tracking the weight stuff. Life got really busy, and I lost my motivation. I'm still on the losing end, but not really trying. In fact, I may be ending my Weight Watchers membership. I don't attend the meetings anymore, and I can weigh in at home. I know, I know... it's proven those who attend meetings lose more weight... Yah, but $39 a month can pay another bill for me, or part of the preschool tuition.

Other than that, I've been working on my other websites and blogs. I really should go back to school for web design. I really should. Or at least learn the basics.

The girls are growing like weeds. The little one turns one in less than a month. Makes me so sad.

That's about it for now. The little one is crawling on me.


Lia Hollander said...

Everyone has set backs. I just wish I had two cuties to cuddle!